The recent spread of the COVID-19 virus has many people concerned about either a voluntary or mandatory quarantine. Here are some things you can do to prepare:
Stock up
Evaluate your emergency supplies and replace anything that’s out-of-date. Make certain you have enough non-perishable food in your house to last for up to two weeks. Purchase longer-lasting fresh foods, such as apples, or chop and freeze fresh vegetables for later use. Refill prescriptions as soon as you are able to ensure you don’t run out and make sure you have enough pet food and medications on hand.
Evaluate your work situation
If working from home is an option, consider what tasks are easiest to do remotely. Bring your laptop or portable drive home with you every day or keep projects on remote servers current. (Always follow proper workplace procedures related to transporting or accessing files.)
Rearrange appointments
If you are maintaining a voluntary quarantine, use your best judgment on whether to reschedule appointments. If mandatory, reschedule for after the quarantine is expected to lift.
Plan projects
Make a list of projects that need to be done around your house. If time and budget allow, stock up on supplies before the quarantine starts. If this isn’t an option, then do what you can with what you have. Useful projects include cleaning closets or garages, reviewing your budget and finances, or reorganizing storage space.
Set goals
This is a good time to consider and reevaluate your short, medium, and long-term goals. After you’ve chosen what projects you want to pursue, hop online and do some research.
Treat your quarantine like a “staycation.” Catch up on your reading list or streaming queue, play board games with your kids, or video chat with friends and family.