Black Swan Solutions presents “Crisis Management Series: Family and Survivor Assistance Centers” Webinar

“Crisis Management Series: Family and Survivor Assistance Centers” Webinar

Crisis Management Series: Family and Survivor Assistance Centers Please join Rick Hoaglund, Empathia Director of Disaster Management Services, and Jennifer Stansberry Miller, a clinical social worker and emergency preparedness and response consultant as they kick off this 4-part webinar crisis management series, providing an introduction and conversation on key elements of creating your Family Assistance…

Women taking notes while following webinar

“Navigating Foreign Conflict” Webinar

Navigating Foreign Conflict: Helping Emergency Managers Navigate Operations During Times of Foreign Conflict Please join Rick Hoaglund, Empathia Director of Disaster Management Services, and Noah Hartnett, On Call International Global Security Specialist, for a panel discussion on the complexities and impacts a foreign conflict may have on your role as Emergency Manager. Topics include an…

Empathia expanded services webinar

Expanded EAP Services Webinar

As part of our ongoing commitment to innovation, Empathia continues to expand our employee assistance program offerings to meet our members’ needs. In this webinar, we will explore the full suite of services offered through Empathia—including an in-depth review of all services that are available as part of Empathia’s LifeMatters EAP, as well as additional…

Cropped shot of an attractive young businesswoman reassuring a female colleague in the office

Delivering Difficult News

Have you ever wondered how to break bad news? How do you tell an employee’s family member that they have been in an accident? Delivering difficult news is something no one ever wants to do or feels like they are good at it. After making numerous crisis notifications, we’ve been there. In this webinar, we…

International EAP Webinar

International EAP Webinar

International EAP: The value of a unified global program For global companies, EAPs pose a unique challenge in that employee mental health and wellbeing concerns are often driven and influenced by local culture. Consequently, employee assistance programs across global company sites have often evolved organically on a country-by-country basis. This has led to largely fragmented and overly complex initiatives…

Free Webinar: “Mass Crisis Recovery”

Learn how your organization can adopt a phase-sensitive approach to effectively contain a crisis in the wake of a mass impact event. Mass Crisis Recovery: The value of a targeted, phase-sensitive approach Although every crisis presents unique challenges, there are universally recommended preparations that can assist organizations in effectively and compassionately managing the crisis. This…