Quick Bites - Podcast Episode 45-46

Quick Bites Episode 45-46: Surviving a Tragedy with Manya Chylinsk

In this 5-minute clip from episodes 45 and 46 of OnTopic with Empathia, keynote speaker, advisor and advocate Manya Chylinski discusses her experience witnessing the 2013 Boston Marathon terrorist attack and how it changed her. Since the event, Manya has learned valuable skills for taking control of her mental health and shares them on the…

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Counseling

Episode 19: Active Shooter Awareness with Dr. Mary Schoenfeldt, Part Two

Is it better to run, hide, or fight? When it comes to responding to an active shooter, there’s drills, strategies, and even testimonials that you can train on, but Dr. Schoenfeldt says teaching’s the real secret. Following up from last week, Kelly dives back into active shooter response management with Dr. Mary Schoenfeldt, an emergency…

This November 2021 dusk photo shows low clouds over Te Whakaraupō Lyttelton Harbour, Aotearoa New Zealand. The community of Governors Bay is in the centre. The community jetty, with its earthquake-collapsed section, is visible. This area is part of Horomaka Banks Peninsula in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

Episode 13: Surviving the Christchurch Earthquake with Jolie Wills, Part 2

How does a community recover from a devastating natural disaster? Where do businesses get started again? How are homes rebuilt? And when do families start healing? In this follow-up episode, Christchurch earthquake survivor Jolie Wills joins Rick Hoaglund once again to talk about how her community responded to the devastation, and how her own experiences…