Young African American man has his head in his hands during support group meeting. His friends are sitting around him.

Coping with the Loss of a Colleague

Losing a colleague under any circumstances is difficult. The death may bring back issues you thought were resolved. Here are some common reactions: Disbelief. Realizing that someone who shared your daily life is gone may be disorienting. The sense that something is missing can be strong. Sadness and anger. The death of a colleague may…

A group of three multi-ethnic men wearing hard hats and safety vests having a meeting. They are serious expressions on their faces, perhaps having a disagreement. The focus is on the two men in the background.

Handling a Confrontation

Social or political tensions that boil over could result in a workplace confrontation. Conflict could develop between employees or cliques with differing views, or between an external party (such as a customer or vendor) and an employee. Here are some tips for handling both types of disagreements. If the confrontation is between two or more…

Multiracial work colleagues having meeting in modern business office

Managing During an Election Year

As election season heats up, disagreements between colleagues may become more pronounced. Fundamental differences in political and ideological views can sometimes result in strained work relationships. These tensions may increase in the lead-up to or aftermath of an election. Often, these personality clashes aren’t just about specific issues in the news. They may also be…

Can you explain the homework? College student asking for help in his study group to finish the university assignments

When Protests Impact a Friendship

Protests may bring out strong emotions and could lead to conflicts in a friendship. Here are some suggestions for managing differences: Respect differences. No two people are going to see eye-to-eye on everything. It’s okay to agree to disagree. Find common ground. It’s likely you and your friend share many beliefs and values. Identifying areas…

Black distracted apathetic student in a coffee shop

Grieving the Loss of a Friendship

Losing a friendship is often painful, and may sometimes occur due to a difference in values or beliefs. In the aftermath of a friend “breakup,” it’s common to experience feelings of grief. These steps may help you navigate the process: Don’t bury your emotions. Allow yourself to accept the range of emotions that you are…

Crowd of people on the street. No recognizable faces

Crowd Safety Tips

If you live, take classes, or work near a public space, it’s possible that you could get caught in a large crowd of people. If this occurs, it’s important to maintain awareness of your surroundings. Some tips for staying safe when surrounded by people include: Make certain your cell phone is fully charged. Keep your…

Happy expecting family having fun after moving into a new home. Father is pushing their daughter in cardboard box.

Make Your Next Move a Success

To simplify your next move, try these tips: Give yourself enough time. Start the planning process at least two to three months prior to your move (if possible). Identify how you will move. Will you be using personal vehicles or renting a truck or trailer? If you decide to hire movers, will they do the…

A woman is preparing an emergency bag in the living room at home.

Stay Prepared This Safety Month

June is National Safety Month. These steps will help you maintain your personal safety and prepare for a possible emergency: Wear sunscreen. The best way to prevent sunburn is to wear SPF 30 or better sunscreen. Remember, even mild sun exposure can lead to skin cancer over time. Stay hydrated. The average adult should drink…

Rearview shot of a young unrecognizable woman delivering a presentation to work colleagues inside a boardroom

Challenging Times at Work: A Guide for Managers

When a team or workplace is going through a change in operations or procedures, both management and staff may need time to adjust. Managers should focus on creating a safe environment that acknowledges hard work, looks at honest mistakes as learning opportunities, and treats all team members with fairness and consistency.   Ways to Help…

Mature African American woman (40s) in park, exercising with hand weights.

Manage Stress with Exercise

One of the best cures for stress is also the simplest: Get moving! Exercise impacts your mental health and overall well-being in numerous ways: Brain chemistry. Exercise causes the brain to release endorphins. These hormones ease pain and promote a sense of comfort and euphoria. Other effects on the brain include the release of chemicals which function…