Two co-workers discussing and listening to each other

Addressing Harassment

If you become aware that an employee is being harassed by a colleague, whether in a work setting, while on their personal time, or on social media, the following steps will help guide you through the situation: Document. Write down both what has been reported to you and anything that you have personally observed. If…

Two young children playing video games

Setting Limits on the “Virtual” World

Favorite TV shows, movies, and video games can spark the imagination in children and adults alike. However, too much time spent focused on electronic media may impact your child’s development in some areas, including: Social skills and relationships. Children who spend a lot of time in the “virtual” world may struggle with in-person interactions or…

A man visiting the scene of a disaster

Emotional Challenges After a Disaster

The way you respond in the aftermath of a natural disaster may be different from what others are experiencing. As with any trauma, there is no right or wrong way to feel. Here are some of the reactions you or loved ones may be experiencing: Vulnerability and insecurity. Humans need to know that they are…

Two family members hugging and diffusing family Conflict and the Holidays

Family Conflict and the Holidays

Gatherings with family and friends over the holidays are sometimes a recipe for conflict. If you are concerned that family quarrels may derail a holiday celebration, these tips may help: Avoid discussions about politics or other hot button topics. Politely decline to participate in conversations that you suspect will lead to disagreements. If someone’s behavior…

Portrait of relaxed young man with bluetooth headphones in forest

Self-Care During Election Season

If you find election season stressful, it is important to make time to rest and regroup. Incorporating self-care into your daily routine will help you maintain your physical and emotional wellbeing. Additional benefits include: Increased stress management A stronger immune system Higher energy levels Try these tips for prioritizing self-care: Define self-care. Only you can…

Concentrated medical colleagues examining x-ray together

Constructive Feedback: A Guide for Managers

Knowing how to provide constructive feedback is a valuable management skill. Feedback is most effective when it: Is clear, specific, and timely Maintains a positive focus Avoids undermining confidence Offers broad strokes and helpful tips Targets areas for improvement Minimizes nitpicking or micromanaging Focuses on improving performance rather than punishing mistakes Effective feedback often includes…

Young African American man has his head in his hands during support group meeting. His friends are sitting around him.

Coping with the Loss of a Colleague

Losing a colleague under any circumstances is difficult. The death may bring back issues you thought were resolved. Here are some common reactions: Disbelief. Realizing that someone who shared your daily life is gone may be disorienting. The sense that something is missing can be strong. Sadness and anger. The death of a colleague may…