A young Asian male engineer working at a construction site

Creating a Safer Workplace

June is National Safety Month. The goal of this month is to increase safety awareness and decrease the number of accident-related injuries or deaths. Here are some tips for minimizing risk in your workplace:  Practice sun safety. The best way to prevent skin cancer is to use SPF 30 or better sunscreen as directed, wear…

Transgender Latin woman working with woman coworkers at the office in Mexico Latin America

Management’s Role in Gender Transition

Management support is key when someone is transitioning their gender at work. A proactive approach will help to ensure that the process is handled with empathy and respect.  When a team member informs a manager that they are transitioning, it is important that management become part of the workplace planning process. Together, they can: Determine…

A multi-generation family walking side by side on Beadnell beach, North East England, in the edge of the sea. They are carrying a picnic box and paddle board between them.

Decreasing Vacation Costs

Taking a summer vacation doesn’t have to break your budget. Consider these options for creating a healthy, relaxing summer break: Sleep at home. If hotel or rental prices are more than you can afford, consider a vacation comprised of local day trips. Sleeping in your own bed could substantially decrease your vacation costs. You’ll save…

Mad boss lecture employee for bad financial report

Angry Outbursts

Anger is a normal human emotion and a natural reaction to a difficult situation, and as such, is not unusual at work. However, some people may have difficulty controlling this feeling, resulting in angry outbursts.  When someone’s frustration is disrupting workflow or impacting morale, it is important to take action. Here are some suggestions for…

Multi-ethnic group of entrepreneurs discussing business

Cooling a Heated Moment

Disagreements are a natural result when people with differing expertise and points of view come together to solve problems. When the stakes are high, tempers may flare, leading to a heated or difficult moment.  While it is impossible to predict what may trigger a tense moment, some situations that may make it more likely include: …