Returning to work during COVID

Returning to Work During COVID-19

Returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic may have extra challenges. Some common worries during this time of change include: New procedures or protocols and how they may impact your work Worries about how to maintain social distancing or whether others will follow recommended guidelines for preventing spread of the illness Your own risk of…

Prosocial Behaviors

If you watch the news these days, it’s easy to come away with a dim view of humanity. Between the pandemic, the economic downturn and widespread social unrest, we are inundated with disturbing images of a world struggling to find its way. Media reports, which tend to focus on negative events, paint a disappointing and…

Woman looking over her financial statements

Retirement Fund Worries During COVID-19

Retirement funds have taken a beating in the last few months. Financial markets have been turbulent, and uncertainty about the impact COVID-19 may have on businesses and individual finances have made it more volatile. While it may be scary to check your balances and see just how much ground you’ve lost, it’s important to stay…

Mother and young son looking on a computer

Maintaining Morale During the COVID-19 Pandemic

After several weeks of working under difficult circumstances due to COVID-19, your team may be getting restless. While some people may enjoy working remotely, others may struggle with isolation. In addition, essential workers who must interact with other people may be coping with increased stress and worry. If you sense that your team is struggling,…

Two people have a video conference

COVID-19: The Workplace Impact

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the world of work. Some companies have had to furlough or lay off staff, while others are busier than ever. And virtually every business, regardless of what industry it is in, is coping with a significant amount of staff working remotely for the first time. While the specific issues that…

Man walking his dog on a trail

Coping with Social Isolation During the COVID-19 Quarantine

Feeling claustrophobic? Being quarantined, social distancing and sheltering in place feels like a loss of control. This is a stressful situation and may decrease wellbeing, tax relationships and test personal resilience. Common reactions to social isolation include restlessness or outright agitation, disturbed sleep, anxiety, anger, boredom, irritability, loneliness and cabin fever. So how do you…

Woman analyzing her finanaces

Analyzing Spending During COVID-19

While setting a budget is an important part of cutting expenses, it’s just the first step. Analyzing your spending will help you look beyond where the money is going and help you determine whether you’re putting it in the right place. Analyzing spending is important because it catches the little expenses and impulse purchases that…

Man Sound Bathing

Sound Bathing Approaches for Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As part of our ongoing efforts to support caregivers during this very challenging time, we are providing periodic updates on evidence-based approaches for improving self-care and wellbeing. Today’s approach is called “sound bathing.” Benefits of Sound Bathing Soothing music and nature sounds, even in brief interludes, offer many psychological benefits. Obviously, these sounds need to…