man frustrated pumping gas

Saving Money on Gas

Gas prices have been taking a bite out of all our wallets. If the price per gallon is throwing your budget out of whack, these tips may help: Look for the cheapest price along your daily route. Download a gas app so you can more easily track which station is cheapest on a given day.…

woman looking depressed on a couch

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence occurs when one person in a relationship exerts control over the other through physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse. It affects people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and economic situations. Stalking or harassment of a current or former partner is also considered domestic violence. Domestic violence typically occurs in a cycle. The…

washing hands with soap

Hand Hygiene

Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to protect yourself from flu, colds, COVID-19, and other illnesses that can be transmitted through contact with people, animals, food, and contaminated surfaces. When you have contact with an infected person or contaminated object and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, you could become infected…

man using phone, laptop, and calculator

Maintaining Your Credit Score

Building a good credit score is hard work. Once you’ve achieved a solid rating, how do you maintain it? For starters, keep doing the things you did to earn that high score in the first place. These include: Making all payments on time Maintaining low balances on revolving accounts or paying them off in full…

woman with hand on head looking sad

Domestic Violence Concerns

  If a member of your team discloses that they are in an abusive relationship, these steps may be helpful: Listen. Revealing abuse is often difficult. The person may be frightened or feel ashamed. It’s important to be compassionate and express concern about their welfare. Protect privacy. Ask for permission to notify company resources. Make…

man listening resting head in hand

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs when someone who has been through a traumatic event experiences intense reactions that linger for months or even years. Situations that could lead to PTSD include: Transportation accidents Natural disasters Terrorist incidents Violent assault or the threat of it Military combat Medical trauma Childhood trauma or abuse While strong feelings…

one woman consoling another

Suicide Prevention

Sometimes, people who are struggling may begin to have suicidal thoughts or engage in self-harm. Common situations that may lead to these behaviors include: Feeling disconnected or isolated from friends, family, or their community Pain, depression, or feelings of hopelessness due to mental or physical illness Feeling as if there is no escape from a…

a woman hugging her grandma

Elder Care

Millions of adults provide care for an elderly or disabled parent, grandparent, or other loved one. This care may range from helping out around the house or providing transportation to assisting with some or most of their daily living needs. Whether you are currently providing elder care or may need to at a future date,…

voting signage outside of polling building

Stress and the Election

Emotions may be running high in the weeks surrounding an election. People may have strong feelings on both sides about the campaigns, the candidates, and the results. You and your co-workers may be: Talking more about the election or what might happen Checking the Internet and social media sites for updates more frequently Avoiding people…